2025 Winter Tuesday League Information

Winter Tuesday League Information

Thank you everyone for signing up for our 2025 Winter Tuesday League! We have 16 people signed up for this league, so that's 4 full teams. This is an 8 week league starting tonight, January 14th. As a reminder, every week of this league we have the ice from 6:50pm-9:20pm. We only need to set up two sheets, as of right now the two flattest ones are Sheet B and Sheet C. If we notice changes in the ice over the course of the league we can change which ones we set up, but for tonight it will be B and C.

League Structure
We will decide the league structure tonight. The Fall Tuesday league did not have enough sign ups so we played it as a pickup league. We can either do that, or have 4 set teams with every team playing each other twice, with a finals week at the end. Even if we do the set team structure, that would only be 7 weeks, so either way we'll play a pickup game tonight.

This is meant to be a Freshman Skips league, I've gotten two volunteers for skips already. We'll figure out tonight if we have any more volunteers. If not we might have to have an experienced skip run a team, but have them throw earlier in the order to balance it out. Frank Sharp has volunteered to coach the new skips out on the ice, so you won't be left floundering out there if you want to skip but don't know what you're doing.

Alright everyone, let's have a great start to 2025! See you out on the ice.

Good Curling,
Brian Hufe
League Coordinator