New Year League Information
Thank you everyone for signing up for our 2024 Fall Sunday League! We did not get the 9 teams signed up for this league that we hoped for, so unfortunately no bonus curling. This is an 8 week league starting on 10/13 with the finals on 12/01. As a reminder, every week of this league we have the ice from 6:00-8:30. We’ve got 24 people signed up for the league, that’s a full 6 teams.

Your team roster is displayed in the image below. Please confirm your availability. The new website does not record uncertainty with a “maybe” option, so if you marked an absence because you are unsure of your availability rather than definitely out, let me know and I will update the chart. If you know you can’t make it to a game, post in the #sub-requests channel on slack as soon as you know. This will help make sure we can find subs and easily play all our games. Don’t have access to slack? Email me at and we will send you an invitation.

In the first 5 weeks of the league we will play round robin, where every team plays every other team once. In weeks 6 and 7 the matchups will be determined by your rank after the first 5 weeks. Week 8 will be a finals week based on overall ranking after 7 weeks. If you have questions about tie breaks and stuff, check the fine print at the end of the email.
Alright everyone, let’s have a great autumn! See you out on the ice.
Good Curling,
Brian Hufe
League Coordinator

Fine (but not that fine) Print – 

Tie Breaks  Ranking will be first by record, then by ends won, then by points scored, then by heads up record. If all those tie breaks fail going into week 5, the super-tie will be broken by a draw to the button contest between the skips of the tied teams. If the super tie needs breaking going into week 8 the tiebreaker will be your rank after 5 weeks. I doubt super-ties will happen, but they could.
Forfeits – If any week requires a forfeit due to attendance, the forfeiting team will be given a loss and no ends or points, the winner of the forfeited game will be given a win and the average ends scored and points scored by the rest of the teams that night. If it’s a mutual forfeit (it’s happened before), both teams will be credited a tie but no ends won and no points scored.
Subs – If a team has less than 3 players present in a week they will have the first priority for sub assignments. Next priority will be if your team specifically recruited a sub. After that, subs will be randomly assigned. If there are not enough subs present to make all scheduled games happen, teams of 4 may be asked to donate a player to teams that are short. However, if teams that are short are willing to play doubles, those games may proceed as a doubles game rather than shuffling players. But we will not force anyone to play doubles who isn’t comfortable. If there are enough open spots that a forfeit can be declared due to attendance but everyone who showed up can still play, that may also happen. We will do our best to avoid declaring forfeits, so if there is a way to avoid a forfeit by swapping weeks we will do that, as long as it won’t cause an attendance problem down the line.